There are numerous opportunities to unwind with local parks and rec, whether through participating in arts and crafts as a family, exploring the local trail system, or taking an exercise or nutrition class. The most common activities among U.S. adults to unwind and de-stress are visiting a local park, taking a break from their routine, exercising outdoors, maintaining a healthy diet, expressing themselves creatively and reaching out to their support system. 

Key Findings:

  • Almost all U.S. adults (91%) have a strategy or activity that helps manage stress.
  • More than half (51%) of all U.S. adults and 58 percent of parents visit local parks/enjoy time in nature as a means of lessening stress
  • Fifty-eight percent of residents in the south mitigate stress by taking a break from their everyday routine
  • Fifty-seven percent of millennials look to local trails and neighborhood exercising as a stress-relief strategy
  • Forty-eight percent of baby boomers use maintaining a healthy diet as a way to manage stress


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