Parks and recreation facilities serve as popular spaces for local farmers markets. Ensuring easy access to these markets will result in the community’s residents visiting. Eighty-six percent of U.S. adults say they are likely to visit a farmers market if one is near where they live- with nearly 60 percent indicating they are extremely or very likely to visit. The importance of close access to farmers markets is important to all regardless of race and region.
Key Findings:
- Eighty-six percent of U.S. adults say they are likely to visit a farmers market if one is located near where they live.
- Gen Z (91%) and Millennials (88%) are most likely to visit a farmers market in the next 12 months if one was located close to their home (91%), followed by Gen X (87%) and baby boomers (80%).
- Parents are more likely than non-parents to visit a farmers market if one was located close to their home (90% vs. 83%).
- More than one in five park and recreation agencies manage or administer farmers markets (2024 NRPA Agency Performance Review).
- Two-thirds of park and recreation agency-hosted farmers markets accept some form of supplemental nutrition benefit such as SNAP or WIC. (Farmers Markets)
- Of the park and recreation agencies that host farmers markets, four in five partner with other organizations to make their farmers markets successful. (Farmers Markets)