Parks and recreation cultivate meaningful connections and a sense of community among youth through group activities. Almost all U.S. adults believe it is important for youth to participate in group activities. Unsurprisingly, parents are more likely to believe youth participation in group activities is extremely important than non-parents. Through the group programs provided by parks and rec, kids can learn teamwork, leadership and build bonds in a fun and safe environment.

  • Key Findings:
    • Almost all U.S. adults (92%) agree it is important for youth to participate in group activities, with nearly three-quarters (74%) agreeing it is very important or extremely important.
    • Parents are more likely to believe youth participation in group activities is very important or extremely important compared to non-parents (81% vs. 71%).
    • Eighty-four percent of parents of teenagers believe this is very important or extremely important for youth to be involved in group activities.


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