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NRPA staff are excited to welcome you to the 2023 NRPA Annual Conference! You can connect with us at Booth #430, where we will have the following opportunities and activities:
Meet and Greet NRPA Staff – NRPA staff will be on hand to answer your questions and provide updates on NRPA member resources, including certifications, CAPRA, online learning, NRPA Connect, NRPA Career Center, research, programs, Parks & Recreation magazine, grant opportunities, advocacy and more.
Where Community Grows Activity – Every day, in communities across the country, park and recreation professionals are making their communities better places to live, learn, work and play through their role as stewards of Community Wellness Hubs. These hubs advance health and wellness across seven interdependent and interconnected dimensions of well-being with equity at the center — cultural, economic, emotional, environmental, intellectual, physical and social. Throughout each of the seven dimensions, park and recreation professionals are working to implement systems-change strategies and other innovative approaches to advance community health and well-being. We want to highlight the work our professionals are doing by displaying how you are working across each of these dimensions. In the NRPA Member Area, jot down how you advance the seven dimensions of well-being on a paper leaf and attach it to a tree. Your contributions will make the trees come to life and inspire your peers with new ideas to bring back to their communities.
NRPA Member Giveaway – Stop by the booth for your exclusive NRPA member giveaway. The area to collect the giveaway is located conveniently in the NRPA Member Area this year.
Gather and Relax – If you’re looking for a spot to rest your feet, stop by the booth and enjoy one of our seating areas. It’s a great place to meet fellow professionals during a break from the exciting exhibit hall.
We look forward to seeing you in Dallas!