For an enhanced digital experience, read this story in the ezine.
By partnering with ePACT, you’ll have a team that is there to support you through all the unique challenges that 2022 has in store.
Reduced administrative burden
Enable automatic reminders for families, ensuring forms are complete before they are submitted and allowing your team to run customized reports.
Reduced need for paper
Our system is cloud-based, allowing agencies to collect critical data and electronically store and archive the records within the agencies’ database, helping them meet long-term retention and licensing requirements and making it easy for staff to find records quickly and easily.
No internet, no problem
Authorized staff can use ePACT’s Mobile App to securely access records on mobile devices, even if they don’t have a cellular or internet connection. Staff can sync records for up-to-date access in offline mode.
Family experience
Families can use their single ePACT account to share all their required data with multiple organizations each year. Families only have to submit one online record per child for any and all programs they attended.
Improved accuracy
ePACT provides complete, up-to-date information for participants. Also, families can update their record, so park and recreation agenies are automatically notified.
Enhanced security
Using a centralized, highly secure system with controlled and monitored administrative access, families’ data are kept safe, secure and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliant at all times.
Take advantage of your NRPA member discount, email ePACT or call 1.855.773.7228, extension 102.