Test your park and recreation knowledge and download NRPA's monthly crossword puzzle!
After completing the puzzle, click here to check the answers to the crossword. The winners will be randomly selected and notified May 31, 2018.
1 Wild and Scenic ____ Act
4 Low-lying wetland
8 Carry with difficulty
10 Audubon Society members
12 Thick mass of grass or bushes
13 Secluded area
15 Environmental science
19 Picturesque
22 Lumberjacking tool
23 The Appalachian Trail runs through this eastern shore state
24 Hawaiian tree
26 St. ___ River, one of the eight rivers originally protected under a 1968 Act (flows along the border of Minnesota and Wisconsin)
27 They may be National Scenic, Historic and Recreation
29 Member of a Native American people
30 Animated
31 Delicate color variations
32 It’s worn by swimmers or divers in cold weather, 2 wordsDown
1 Springtime songbird
2 Olive-colored bird
3 Wetlands plant
5 Rainbow shape
6 Industrial ooze
7 Hive sound
9 Student score, abbr.
11 Draw liquid from
14 “The Lord of the Rings” beast
16 Growing in abundance
17 Walking in the countryside
18 Mass of glacial cover over a very large area, 2 words
20 Like some clay pots
21 Helmsman in a racing boat
25 Environment
28 Eat like a beaver
29 Gymnastics equipment