Test your park and recreation knowledge and download NRPA's monthly crossword puzzle!
After completing the puzzle, check the answers to the crossword. As an added bonus for completing the crossword, you can enter a drawing to win a free NRPA Career Center Seven-Day Job Posting Package (good for one year) when you check your answers. A winner will be randomly selected and notified on February 28, 2017.
1 Comprehensive data service from NRPA for park and recreational professionals |
6 What exercise gives you more of |
9 Goal |
10 Desert-like |
12 Start up the mountain |
13 Volleyball obstacle |
15 Young bear |
17 QB's statistical blemish, abbr. |
18 Large shady tree |
20 Wear away a coastline, say |
21 Was at the forefront |
22 Comes down as natural water |
24 State where some of the Smoky Mountains are, abbr. |
25 Playground feature |
26 Older of two sons |
28 The loss of this is causing species to become endangered and extinct |
31 Baby hooter |
34 Wolfed it down |
35 Young horse |
36 More sedentary game for seniors who can't play rigorous games |
37 Fox's lair, for example |
38 Laughter sound |
40 "Twenty Questions" replies |
41 Regal butterfly in trouble |
1 MC tool |
2 Set of doable exercises for seniors that help prevent falls, 2 words |
3 Net holder, on a court |
4 Suffuses with color |
5 Older demographic |
6 Sewing aid |
7 Popular medical TV series |
8 Popular game for active adults |
11 French for of the |
14 Call it a day |
16 Bottom of a river |
18 Sculpture, murals, etc |
19 ___ Cruz, NM |
23 Refusal word |
26 Egg, larva, chrysalis, for example |
27 Assess |
28 Chess, stamp collecting, birding, for example |
29 Edges |
30 Lawrence of Arabia's initials |
31 Rhode Island, the ___ State |
32 Triumphed |
33 Value system |
39 Dawn time |