Make Data a Walk in the Park

October 1, 2016, Department, by National Recreation and Park Association

The innovative data analysis tool mySidewalk is simplifying the way hundreds of organizations streamline existing conditions, identify specific conditions, benchmark against near or like places and tell more data-driven community stories. By automating the heavy lifting, mySidewalk is helping communities move projects forward and make stronger, more informed decisions using data. 

NRPA has partnered with mySidewalk to build data templates that enable NRPA members to instantly generate interactive local reports for their communities. Every template includes demographic and socioeconomic data mapped alongside local parks and trails across the country. 

Now, all NRPA members can request any of the following interactive local analyses free of charge, as a member benefit: 

What sort of senior programming is your community likely to need?

Learn more about the aging population living near your parks and review charts of related data in your community. This analysis can be used to answer questions regarding programming for target age groups. 

What sort of child and adolescent programing is your community likely to need?

Discover the proportion of people under the age of 18 living near your parks and compare that information with corresponding data charts, allowing for insightful programmatic decisions and proactive planning. 

What is the demographic makeup of the population living in your community?

This basic overview provides instant existing-conditions analysis of your community broken down by total population. 

What is the demographic makeup of the households in your community?

This overview provides instant existing-conditions analysis of your community broken down by total households. 

Where are residents with disabilities living in your community?

Locate areas where residents with disabilities live in your community for insight on how to provide more inclusive, accessible programs. 

Are members of your community walking or biking to work?

Understand how residents move in your community and make more informed decisions about where to build bike paths and trails. This analysis will also tell you where residents have easier access to your facilities than others. 

For instant data discovery and to tell a more informed data-driven community story, click here and request a free interactive report. 

If you’d like to learn more about mySidewalk, stop by booth 221 at the 2016 NRPA Annual Conference. Nick Bowden, CEO of mySidewalk, will also be speaking during the Conference at 1 p.m. Thursday, October 6, on, “The Art of Building a Better Haystack Using Data.”