Join the World of Cooperative Purchasing

February 29, 2016, Department, by Hayley Herzing

U.S. Communities is the leading national local government purchasing cooperative that offers contracts competitively solicited by and on behalf of public agencies nationwide. U.S. Communities is jointly sponsored by the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO), the National Association of Counties (NACO), the National Governors Association, the National League of Cities (NLC) and the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM).

NRPA Premier Members can register with U. S. Communities to gain access to the thousands of quality products from multiple suppliers available through its contracts. Their vast array of offerings will meet an agency’s needs. The contracts include categories such as park and playground equipment, athletic equipment, facilities products and solutions, office supplies and much more! By registering for the program, you are neither committing to participate nor binding your agency in any manner — your agency will still have the ability to make choices outside of U.S. Communities. 

What are the advantages to participating in U.S. Communities?

  • All contracts are competitively solicited by a lead public agency
  • Best supplier overall government pricing
  • No user fees
  • Sponsored by 90+ state and regional organizations
  • Broad range of high-quality products relating to the park and recreation field
  • Third-party audits performed
  • Benchmarking analysis
  • Oversight by key public purchasing professionals
  • Step-by-step guide to helping you buy green


Hayley Herzing is NRPA’s Membership Programs Manager.