Your Photo, Our Cover

December 31, 2015, Department, by National Recreation and Park Association

We’re celebrating Park and Recreation Month by showcasing one of your photos on the cover of Parks & Recreation.

Round up your top photos and get ready to submit them for the 2016 Park and Recreation Month Cover Contest. After such an enthusiastic response in 2015, we decided to put July’s cover back in your hands for 2016. This year, we’re looking for photos that tell a great story about the impact parks and recreation has in your community. 

Entries will be accepted now through March 30, 2016. NRPA will choose a series of finalists based on how well they meet the criteria by April 18. All finalist photos will be put to a public vote May 23-27 on Facebook. The photo with the most social power (likes) will be chosen for the coveted cover spot!

When considering which photo to submit, keep these tips in mind:


  • Submit a photo with an interesting and compelling story behind it — maybe of a unique program or community park champion. A great photo should tell a great story. Keep NRPA’s Three Pillars — Conservation, Health and Wellness and Social Equity — in mind. You can share this story in the comments section when you upload your photo.
  • Submit a photo that includes people in it.
  • Submissions must be high-resolution (at a minimum of 300 dpi) and at least 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall.
  • Consider how the Parks & Recreation logo will fit over your photo.

Submit your cover contest photos today.