NRPA Connect Hot Topics

January 31, 2015, Department, by Hayley MacDonell

Want to see what professionals in your field are discussing? Visit NRPA Connect to learn about the latest hot topics and newest trends in parks and recreation! Below is a sample of some of the topics being discussed:

1) Winter/Snow Trail Maintenance: Does your agency remove snow from paved trails? Your colleagues discuss their policies and the feedback they receive from the public, which helps decide their snow-removal priorities. 

2) Class Pricing: If you have multiple recreation centers, do you list classes in your brochure by recreation center, class type or age group? How should you handle price consistency across recreation centers for similar classes? Read how other professionals are tackling these decisions. 

3) Disc Golf Tournament Policy: Disc golf (also known as Frisbee golf) is growing in popularity, and thereby increasing the amount of tournaments beckoning players to neighborhood courses. Should these tournaments be treated as special events? Participants in this thread share the policies and procedures they’ve put in place for this popular sport. 

4) Summer Camp Ideas: It’s never too early to start planning your summer camps! Looking for budget-friendly ideas? Your colleagues share tips and personal experiences. Visit the discussion to learn more on hosting fun, themed onsite programs or building partnerships to help sponsor field trips. 

Join the conversation on NRPA Connect today!

Hayley MacDonell is NRPA’s Membership Programs Manager.