
November 30, 2015, Department, by National Recreation and Park Association

Let us know what you think about what you read each month in Parks & Recreation magazine!We hope the articles you read in Parks & Recreation are thought-provoking and engaging, and we want to hear your opinions on what you read in these pages. Through social media posts, website comments, emails to staff or posts on NRPA Connect, let us know how the magazine’s articles apply to your job and your agency.



Fantastic insight into finding a balance between combat readiness and environmental protection. As a retired military officer turned outdoor recreation executive, I can tell you that understanding each other’s mission is the key to conservation.

Comment from Bryan Martyn regarding NRPA Vice President of Conservation and Parks Richard J. Dolesh’s November 2015 Conservation column, “Thinking ‘Outside the Fence’ Leads to Innovative Conservation

This is a great start to an article... It just seems to be missing a great deal of information. Let me start by saying that I love that the Windy City’s leaders recognize that the parks and community centers attached to neighborhoods are the heart and hub of a city, but this was more of a highlight reel of recreation in Chicago. Where is the information on how much money was spent on this five-year challenge, where did the money come from...bonds, private corporations and lemonade stands? How are they working with neighborhoods? Were the neighborhoods invited to participate in the planning of the restorations? Were they reached out to to see what they wanted and not just told what the plan was going to be? I really do love the statement to “draw people from across the city to play together,” but how? Yes you have an amazing destination, but how are the kids and older patrons getting there? How do they know and learn about the programs? How much cost will the families incur...These are the questions I would love to see in addition to this article. GO CUBS!

Comment from Dan Bagley, Recreation Facilities and Program Supervisor III for the Raleigh, North Carolina, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department, regarding the October 2015 feature article, “Welcome to Chicagoland

What is it with these idiots who think they can inflict their noisy, intrusive and potentially dangerous gadgets on other people? We were buzzed by a drone while hiking recently. The drone came to within 3 feet of our heads. Ho ho ho, big joke. Is there any electronic device that you can carry in order to bring down drones that come too close? Some kind of signal-scrambling instrument?

Comment from Mike Puelston regarding NRPA Vice President of Conservation and Parks Richard J. Dolesh’s March 2015 feature, “The Drones are Coming

[Tom Sawyer’s Play Island] is a truly wonderful playground in an absolutely beautiful county park! Such a gem! Thank you, Karen Cheney.

Comment from Christina Semeraro regarding Lynn Pinoniemi’s August 2015 article, “A Woodland Adventure at Amelia Earhart Park