Make a Resolution to Reduce Energy Costs!

November 30, 2014, Department, by Hayley MacDonell

A new member benefit from APPI Energy makes saving energy and money easy resolutions for the New Year.Thinking about making a resolution for the 2015 new year? Why not make one that can assist in managing and reducing your energy costs? NRPA has partnered with Affiliated Power Purchasers International (APPI Energy) to provide the Powerful Solutions Program! 

As a Premier Member of NRPA, you have access to APPI’s Powerful Solutions Program, which provides energy procurement services with minimal time commitment and no upfront cost to you! What does this mean? APPI Energy’s team of experts will analyze your energy usage and negotiate the lowest price, best contract terms and smartest conditions for your next supply. APPI’s operating model is focused on providing excellent customer service while saving you time and effort. Why not have consultants help you reduce a major operating expense on an ongoing basis? 

The process to get started is simple. Contact APPI by calling 800.520.6685 or send an email.Verify your member status, develop a procurement strategy and make a plan of action!

Learn about NRPA member benefits.

Hayley MacDonell is NRPA’s Membership Programs Manager.