I Want to Thank the Academy...

December 31, 2012, Department, by Steve Thompson

NRPA's chair of the Board of Directors shares an exciting new development with affiliate organization AAPRA.An interesting development occurred with a partner organization at our recent Congress in Anaheim. Due to a scheduling conflict during last year’s Congress in Atlanta, I did not have the opportunity to be inducted into the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, but I made sure to make up for it by attending the Academy Board and Membership Meetings this year.

I participated in a special meeting with several leaders of the Academy Board—Tom Lovell, Academy president-elect; Rich Grodsky, the executive director for the Academy; and Andee Chestnut, Academy executive secretary/treasurer, in addition to myself, NRPA Past Chair Bob Johnson, and our President and CEO Barbara Tulipane—to discuss ways to enhance the relationship between the Academy Board, the NRPA Board of Directors, and the membership. Not only are we going to continue to improve our working relationship, but the Academy leaders made it known that they want to become active agents in promoting PRORAGIS and are willing to be trained to promote this involvement with NRPA agency members…fantastic!

I was pleased to learn that the Academy membership is also interested in, and even excited to embrace, participation in PROGRAGIS in the coming year. If ever there was an opportunity to make the connection between the two boards more effectively, this certainly proved to be a resounding success.

I also had the distinct privilege to participate in the 2012 Annual Academy Awards Banquet. I was impressed with not only meeting and reacquainting myself with a number of pioneers and leaders in our industry, I was captivated with the tremendous recognition that was given to the distinguished 2012 Pugsley Award recipients: Joe Crookham, Pete Dangermond, and Roger Brown.

I was moved by the closing remarks of Tom Lovell, who eloquently summarized a litany of what he believes in. I would like to add to Tom’s list, which will appear in an upcoming Academy newsletter:

• Whatever goes around, comes around. Be nice and helpful to people, or at least, don’t be nasty to others.

• It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you! NRPA now has a powerful social media resource through the various Networks, so go on out there and build some real value and solid relationships.

• Life is impermanent. Things constantly change and we are all intertwined and inter-dependent with each other through our actions or inactions.

So, as if oftentimes heard, "I truly want to thank the Academy" for Parks and Recreation in strengthening the connection between our two organizations and for embracing the future of NRPA by their active support and participation!

Steve Thompson
Chair of the Board of Directors