NRPA Headquarters Achieves Local Green Business Certification

November 30, 2013, Department, by Ted Mattingly

NRPA’s headquarters has been recognized for green efforts and business practices through a local county competition.NRPA practices what it preaches, and the association’s headquarters has been recognized locally for its green efforts by achieving the Gold-level certification in the 2013 Loudoun County Green Business Challenge.

The Green Business Challenge is a friendly points-based competition and certification process that challenges and encourages businesses to implement more efficient and sustainable practices. Participation also demonstrates leadership, an eye toward improving the bottom line, creating a healthier work environment for employees and minimizing the environmental impact organizations have on their communities.

The Green Business Challenge focuses on five specific categories: Education and Outreach, Energy, Water, Waste and Transportation. Here are some highlights of what NRPA is doing to improve its practices and be good stewards for the environment.

Education and Outreach: NRPA impacts communities through efforts that focus on Conservation, Health and Wellness, and Social Equity, and it sponsors the NRPA Green School.

Energy: NRPA facility staff performed energy audits, optimized building operating parameters, installed new energy-efficient equipment and appliances, and switched to T-8 lightbulbs.

Water: Staff inventoried all of the facility’s domestic water fixtures to identify conservation opportunities, installed a programmable water system for irrigation and included native plants in the property’s landscaping.

Waste: NRPA’s staff members maintain a solid office recycling program, use paper towels and copier paper made from 100 percent recycled fiber or post-consumer content, and sustain green office kitchen pantries with minimal disposable items and chilled water coolers. 

Transportation: NRPA offers staff telework options and other reduced/shared transportation benefits to help limit the environmental impact of travel.

NRPA continues to improve its green practices in an effort to set examples for members and the local community. Staff members also have the option to participate in the NRPA Green Team to look at our current efforts and determine other opportunities to improve our practices.

Ted Mattingly is NRPA’s Director of Facilities and Administrative Services.