Make the Most of Your Membership

November 30, 2012, Department, by Barbara Tulipane, CAE

Barbara Tulipane I believe the number one characteristic of a good association is its ability to identify emerging trends that will impact its membership. That’s our job. We spend time and resources reviewing and conducting research to provide us with answers. In NRPA’s case, we not only take into account our national platform, but we also look at member data. In addition, we monitor public polls to see how our issues resonate with the public. We want to know what the public thinks is important and what they are willing to support.

And here is one thing we have learned: The public believes and expects that parks are protecting their communities’ natural resources and wildlife—and they are willing to pay for it.

An early analysis of local election results from 2012 showed that even though we are not out of the woods from the worst recession since the Great Depression, voters strongly approved ballot measures and bond initiatives for investments in parks, recreation, and conservation at the local and state level (see "On the Ballot").

But to identify trends is not enough. A good association must also provide its members with the tools necessary to act on trends that are impacting its membership—tools that will allow members to thrive in ever-changing environments. Among the new tools and information NRPA is providing to members:

PRORAGIS—NRPA’s ever-growing database of comparative information on parks and recreation now contains valuable eco-benefits calculators—simple online worksheets that allow you to calculate the economic value of environmental benefits provided by your park resources. Every agency can now estimate the dollar value of their park system in providing clean air and water benefits to their citizens.

Professional Staff Training and Development—Receive intensive training by topflight professionals and invaluable peer-to-peer networking at the innovative Green School, the Directors' School, the Maintenance Management School, and through NRPA’s many online educational resources.

Analysis and Interpretation of Trends—Stay up to date with hard-hitting and topical analysis of current issues affecting parks and recreation and ongoing discussions of national policy, federal legislation, and breaking news through NRPA’s many professional resources.

Best-Practice Information—Have access to the most up-to-date, cutting-edge information on how others around the country are innovating, meeting challenges, and solving problems. Best-practice models are found in NRPA’s magazine, web, blog, and online education resources. Check out the NRPA Knowledge Center to get an idea of the many online resources available to members.

Premier Membership—NRPA’s new agency membership category gives every full-time employee in your agency access to vital data, industry information, online learning resources, member discounts, and the full digital edition of Parks & Recreation Magazine every month. Premier Agency members are eligible for member rates at Congress, have full access the Knowledge Center, and can participate in all the NRPA Connect online member networks including the Park Resources Network and the Conservation Network.

We are providing you with the tools to deliver what the public wants—take advantage of them now!

Barbara Tulipane, CAE
President and CEO