NRPA’s seven dimensions of well-being are adapted from several evidence-based frameworks and aligned with the strengths, assets and opportunities that exist within parks and recreation to advance equity, resilience and health and well-being. The seven interdependent and interconnected dimensions of well-being include: cultural, economic, environmental, intellectual, mental, physical, and social. At the center of these seven dimensions is equity, reflecting a deep commitment to addressing and rectifying legacies of inequity and injustice in our communities — especially those created and/or perpetuated through park and recreation systems — to ensure the benefits of parks and recreation are shared by everyone.

To better support park and recreation professionals as they advance the seven dimensions, a set of one-pagers contextualizes each dimension with sample strategies and examples from the field. Each sheet breaks down the dimensions into:

  • The Vision – what is the outcome when the dimension is advanced and achieved?
  • How Parks and Recreation Promote Well-Being – what is the role of parks and recreation in supporting this dimension?
  • Examples of Advancing Well-Being – what does implementation of this dimension look like?
  • In Practice – case studies from the field

The intention behind this new suite of resources is to ensure that park and recreation professionals can explore guidance, examples from the field, and tangible strategies that can be implemented across park and recreation systems to maximize community benefits across the seven dimensions.








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