Vice President Biden and Honorable Guests Tour CityArchRiver Project
By Emma Klues | Posted on May 27, 2014
On May 13th, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell visited St. Louis, Missouri and lauded the important work of practicing conservation, promoting recreation and building parks!
Zombie Survival: Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick
By Ann Cejka | Posted on May 19, 2014
Zombie Survival Camp, a week long day camp program in which children learn basic wilderness survival skills, emergency disaster planning and teamwork all while fighting off occasional attacks from what I call “real” fake zombies.
Journey to Healthier Lifestyles through Commit to Health
By Kim Chappelow-Lee | Posted on May 14, 2014
Out of school time (OST) programs were seen as safe havens where kids could spend the late afternoon hours while their parents were still at work. Park and rec agencies quickly got involved in this evolving industry.
5 Ways to Celebrate Kids to Parks Day
By Jessica Culverhouse | Posted on May 14, 2014
Spring is a great time to visit a park to enjoy the wonders of the natural world as plants and wildlife reemerge from their winter rest.
Why Certify Youth Sports Coaches
By Ronald Strickler, Jr, CPRP | Posted on May 14, 2014
The NRPA Young Professional Network (YPN) is back with information on the importance of training and certification for youth sports coaches.
Community Connections in Charlotte
By Danielle Taylor | Posted on May 6, 2014
Danielle Taylor, traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina to visit Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Park, NRPA’s Parks Build Community (PBC) project. Learn why this site proved to be a lesson in the importance of park access.
Springtime Changes
By Samantha Bartram | Posted on May 6, 2014
Each month, as you crack the spine of a fresh Parks & Recreation Magazine, we hope the experience is both exciting and familiar.
Fridays are for Facebooking
By Roxanne Sutton | Posted on May 2, 2014
According to new analysis reported on in Time, Fridays may be the best time to post on Facebook to get the most visibility. Roxanne Sutton offers ways for you to take advantage of this new information.