Aquatic Facility Operator (AFO) Manual, 8th edition

This is the comprehensive training manual for the AFO certification exam. Member fee: $55, Nonmember fee: $75. 

Purchase the AFO Manual

AFO Exam Resources 

Model Aquatic Health Code

The Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) is a voluntary guidance document based on science and best practices that can help local and state authorities and the aquatics sector make swimming and other water activities healthier and safer. States and localities can use the MAHC to create or update existing pool codes to reduce risk for outbreaks, drowning, and pool-chemical injuries. The MAHC guidelines are all-inclusive and address the design, construction, operation, maintenance, policies, and management of public aquatic facilities.

Air Quality Standards


Aquatics Related Resources

For questions or further information on aquatics education and resources, please contact NRPA Certification at 

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