Small Steps with Big Impact: An Introduction to NRPA’s Equity Quick Guides

By Autumn Saxton-Ross and Tiff Cunin | Posted on September 9, 2024

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Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are not just buzzwords, and advancing DEI in parks and recreation is not a fad. — it is essential work that shapes the communities we serve. But let's also be real. This work is hard and it’s complex. Let’s face it: sometimes it can feel like you’re trying to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture without the instructions – frustrating, full of detours, and somehow, you end up with some pieces that don’t seem to fit anywhere. So, where do you even start? At the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), we have heard you loud and clear and responded with a game-changing resource: the Equity Quick Guides.

The Origins of the Equity Quick Guides

Back in 2021 and again in 2023, the NRPA Research team set out to take the pulse of park and recreation agencies across the country. They surveyed leaders to find out how their organizations were handling DEI practices, what professional development opportunities were available and what challenges were getting in the way. The results, published in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Parks and Recreation report, revealed four key themes that continue to resonate today:

  • The need for targeted support for smaller agencies
  • The importance of building member capacity and competency in DEI
  • The value of best practices and peer networks
  • The demand for trusted resources

But perhaps the most eye-opening feedback from the 2023 survey came from a park and recreation leader who put it this way: “NRPA provides a lot of tools and resources currently…[that may] outpace the progress of the average park and recreation agency.” In other words, while the resources are there, they can feel overwhelming, especially for agencies just starting their DEI journey. So, what’s the concern? That park and recreation professionals and agencies might feel pressured to take drastic steps to “catch up,” only to end up feeling frozen by the enormity of the task.

It’s a valid concern. And it’s why NRPA committed to meeting park and recreation professionals where they are, offering practical, accessible resources that empower agencies to take those crucial first steps — however small they may be.

Enter the Equity Quick Guides: Your “How To” for DEI

Led by the dedicated members of NRPA’s DEI Network and spearheaded by Becky Herz of Orangevale Recreation & Park District in California, the Equity Quick Guides were born. These bite-sized toolkits are designed for park and recreation professionals across all occupation levels and types, but especially for those who may be juggling limited capacity while still aiming to make a tangible difference in their communities.

Here’s the thing about DEI work: it’s a marathon, not a sprint. The path is rarely straightforward, and it often involves confronting uncomfortable truths and pushing for change in the face of resistance. The Equity Quick Guides acknowledge this reality, providing practical, actionable steps that you can take right now — without feeling like you need to turn your agency upside down overnight.

What’s Inside the Equity Quick Guides?

Think of the Equity Quick Guides as a treasure trove of field-tested strategies and insights, crowd-sourced from the NRPA community. Over the past year, professionals from across the country have contributed examples, data and success stories, all aimed at helping you make the case for change. Each guide focuses on a specific area where DEI principles can be seamlessly integrated into existing programs, making it easier than ever to act.

Whether you’re looking to address an inequity in your community or hoping to break down a barrier within your agency, Equity Quick Guides offer clear, comprehensive resources tailored to your needs. They’re designed with the understanding that every agency, community and approach is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution here — just a range of ideas and paths to implementation that you can adapt to your specific circumstances.

Circling Back to the 2023 Survey

Let’s revisit that feedback from the 2023 survey. The comment about agencies feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of DEI resources out there really hit home. It’s a reminder that while the work is important, it’s also important to pace ourselves and take manageable steps.

How do you eat a life-size chocolate replica of Mount Everest? One bite at a time. Advancing equity can often feel large and overwhelming, so the best approach is to break it down into smaller, manageable steps, focusing on making steady progress — one small step (or bite) at a time. The Equity Quick Guides are a direct response to this challenge, offering a starting point that feels both achievable and impactful.

These guides are more than just a “how-to” — they are a lifeline for professionals who want to make a difference but may not know where to begin. By focusing on small, meaningful changes, they help ensure steady and sustainable progress. And let’s not forget, small steps are better than no steps at all.

Ready to Dive In?

So, what’s your next move? Start by exploring the Equity Quick Guides and finding one that resonates with you. Maybe it’s a guide that aligns with your role within your agency, or perhaps it addresses a specific challenge in your community. Whatever it is, know that you’re not alone — these resources have been created by a network of professionals who’ve walked in your shoes and want to share what they’ve learned.

Remember, DEI work is a journey, and every step counts, no matter how small. Guess what? You might stumble, we all do at some point in time, but stumbling forward is still progress — at least you are headed in the right direction. The NRPA Equity Quick Guides are here to help you along the way, offering the tools, insights and inspiration you need to make a lasting impact. So, take a deep breath, dive in and prepare to make some serious waves in your community — one quick guide at a time.

Download the Equity Quick Guides

Tiff Cunin (they/them) is the senior manager of education for DEI at NRPA.

Autumn Saxton-Ross (she/her) is the chief education & equity officer at NRPA.