Georgia Aquarium and GameTime Share Conservation Priorities Ahead of NRPA Annual Conference Opening Reception

By Cara Myers | Posted on September 23, 2024

Georgia Aquarium 410

We’re counting down the days until we dive into the 2024 NRPA Annual Conference Opening Reception* on Tuesday, October 8. Hosted by Georgia Aquarium and sponsored by GameTime, the largest park and recreation party of the year promises valuable networking opportunities, fun, food, music, and of course, the sights and sounds of amazing aquatic life.

Given their valuable contributions to advance NRPA’s mission, it’s no surprise that both Georgia Aquarium and GameTime share one key principle — conservation. While the two entities’ efforts may vary in specificity, they both seek to advance fundamental work in the name of preservation and sustainability. Learn more about Georgia Aquarium’s and GameTime’s respective conservation priorities below.

Georgia Aquarium

As the largest aquarium in the United States, hundreds of animals call Georgia Aquarium home. Research and conservation are key components in everyday life both under (and above) the sea. By blending field research with the study of on-site animals, Aquarium staff seek to advance human knowledge of animal science.

Various conservation initiatives at the Aquarium include One Ocean, One Health; the Seafood Savvy Program; Marine Life Rescue and Rehabilitation; and expert veterinary care. A portion of each guest ticket goes towards research and conservation efforts, so every Aquarium visitor can share in the joy of making a difference.

Fishing for more information? Browse Georgia Aquarium’s Research and Conservation webpage.


GameTime recognizes that conservation plays a vital role in nearly every aspect of their work — from assessing standards to factory production to completing administrative tasks. Namely, environmental sustainability is a crucial consideration when designing playground hardware intended to withstand years of use.

“Our equipment factories utilize high-efficiency technology, allowing us to prioritize conservation from painting processes to water consumption management,” said Kent Callison, GameTime's director of marketing. “We also were the first manufacturing facility in the playground industry to achieve ISO 14001 certification.”

Manufacturers have a pivotal role to play in this age of increasing global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss, and by adopting ISO 14001, GameTime maintains a commitment to regulatory manufacturing compliance and to the continuous improvement required to maintain adherence to this standard. Moreover, GameTime was the first playground manufacturer to join the United States Green Building Council where they’ve maintained their participation for over a decade. GameTime’s commitment to sustainability and compliance includes an Environmental Management System that meets international standards specific to play products being produced, continuing to improve every year.

For more information on GameTime’s commitment to conservation, explore their Green by Design webpage or this brochure outlining their sustainable practices.

The collaboration between NRPA, Georgia Aquarium and GameTime clearly highlights a shared commitment to conservation and environmental stewardship. With each organization bringing unique strengths to the table, we aim to together continue preserving natural spaces, promoting sustainability, and fostering resilience in our communities and ecosystems. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 NRPA Annual Conference and Opening Reception.

*Ticketed entry to the opening reception is included with full package, Tuesday daily package, young professional and retired registrations. Register now to join the fun!

Cara Myers (she/her) is a marketing and engagement manager at NRPA.