Five Standout Stories in the November Parks and Recreation Magazine

By Elizabeth Beard | Posted on November 14, 2012

We all know that parks and recreation are good for people but translating that sentiment into stories about how parks improve health can be a bit more challenging. Learn about five key ways that park and recreation agencies are making a conscious effort to improve public health in their communities: park prescription programs, tobacco-free park initiatives, community walking programs, health impact assessments of the built environment, and better access to parks in “recreation deserts.

Those who attended the NRPA Congress in Anaheim probably have been showing off their Ranger Rick stuffed toys around the office. At Congress, NRPA and the National Wildlife Federation kicked off a new initiative to bring 10 million children to nature. Our goal is have 1,000 agencies participating nationwide in 10 Million Kids Outdoors—has your local agency signed up?

In an era when aquatics facilities operators are attempting to maximize usage of their pools in order to boost revenue, maintaining consistent water and air quality is more important than ever. And the upcoming release of the new Model Aquatic Health Code by the CDC in 2013 is adding to the sense of urgency for facilities to upgrade their systems. Find out about some of the hottest technologies that are saving costs, increasing safety (and peace of mind for operators), and making swimmers happier in this month’s Operations column.

Although some parks are claimed to be veritable gold mines in terms of the tourism revenue they bring in, only one state park is an actual diamond mine—Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. But will Land and Water Conservation Fund rules prevent renewed mineral exploration on the site? Find out in this month’s Law Review.

Finally, just in time for Veteran’s Day, hear what your colleagues are saying about their successful therapeutic recreation programs for returning soldiers in our Network Buzz feedback column. Members of the Armed Forces Network and the Therapeutic and Adaptive Recreation Community share inspiring stories about creative programs.

Check out these five stories and more in the November issue of Parks & Recreation and leave us a comment with your thoughts.  


Elizabeth Beard is the Managing Editor for Parks & Recreation magazine.