equity quick guides blog 410

Small Steps with Big Impact: An Introduction to NRPA’s Equity Quick Guides

By Autumn Saxton-Ross and Tiff Cunin | Posted on September 9, 2024

Sometimes it's challenging to know where to even start with diversity, equity and inclusion work. We're pleased to introduce a game-changing resource to assist in this work: the Equity Quick Guides.

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natural disaster 410

Be Prepared to Respond and Protect Your Community During Natural Disasters

By Teresa L. Penbrooke, PhD, CPRE | Posted on September 6, 2024

Hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods and other extreme weather events have become far too common. Are you and your agency prepared? September is Disaster Preparedness Month — the perfect time to prepare for disaster response and recovery.

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Youth Sports 9

Game Changers: How Coaches Can Support Youth Beyond the Scoreboard

By Charissa Hipp and Rosa Riley | Posted on September 4, 2024

Coaches play a crucial role in the lives of athletes, both on and off the field, starting at a young age. Yet less than one third of the country’s six million coaches have been trained in helping kids thrive; most coach training is focused on winning games.

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ep160 410

NRPA Annual Conference Tips for First-Time Attendees — Episode 160

By Cort Jones and Cara Myers | Posted on September 3, 2024

On this episode of Open Space Radio, we're sharing some of the best NRPA Annual Conference tips for first-time attendees, from experienced attendees. Tune in to prepare for Atlanta this October 8-10!

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