The Tiny Survival Guide for This Holiday Season
By Lauren Kiefert | Posted on November 23, 2020
In her presentation at NRPA Virtual, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky shared this Tiny Survival Guide from the Trauma Stewardship Institute — a tool outlining 15 strategies to help people manage the effects of trauma, including anxiety, exhaustion, anger, apathy and other emotions.

How Biodiversity Creates Healthy Communities – December Bonus Episode
By Cort Jones and Roxanne Sutton | Posted on November 19, 2020
On this month's bonus episode of Open Space Radio, we’re diving deeper into one of the feature stories from the December issue of Parks & Recreation magazine, titled, “Biodiversity Lays the Pathway to Good Health.”

Staging a New ACT
By Tim Herd, CPRE | Posted on November 18, 2020
This blog post was inspired by an angry voicemail that Tim Herd, CPRE, CEO of the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society, received in response to his organization sending out notices about diversity webinars.

Community Healing in the Wake of Trauma — Episode 078
By Cort Jones and Roxanne Sutton | Posted on November 17, 2020
On this episode of Open Space Radio, we're replaying one of our Coffee Talk sessions from NRPA Virtual, when we talked with Allison Colman, NRPA director of health, and Mercy Santoro, deputy director of Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation, about the importance of community healing in the wake of trauma.

NRPA Virtual From a Student's Perspective
By Amanda D’Agostino | Posted on November 12, 2020
Amanda D’Agostino is a student at Indiana University studying parks and recreation, and NRPA Virtual was her very first NRPA Annual Conference experience. This is what she learned.

Giving Thanks in the Midst of a Pandemic
By Clement Lau, AICP, DPPD | Posted on November 10, 2020
2020 has been a challenging year in so many ways, but Clement Lau believes it's good for his soul to reflect upon what he's thankful for - this is his gratitude list.