Increasing Access to Local, Healthy Food in Berea, Kentucky
By Maureen Acquino | Posted on July 30, 2019
Programs such as Grow Appalachia, Berea Kids Eat and the Berea Farmers Market help increase access to local, healthy food by focusing on community development and education, as well as local economics.

‘Little’ but Mighty in Little Rock, a City with Big Solutions
By Allison Colman | Posted on July 25, 2019
In Little Rock, Arkansas — like so many other U.S. cities — one of the biggest challenges many residents face is having access to reliable, consistent and safe transportation.

Evaluating the Many Benefits of Green Infrastructure in Local Parks
By Kevin Brady | Posted on July 24, 2019
NRPA's Green Infrastructure Evaluation Framework encourages the collection of environmental, social, economic and health data that can realistically be measured without a ton of time, money or experience.

Self-Care at #NRPAConference: Five Practices
By Daniel W. Hatcher, MPH | Posted on July 22, 2019
It’s easy to get caught up in meetings, workshops and afterhours fun at a conference, not to mention trying to keep work running smoothly back home. Here are five self-care tips for the 2019 NRPA Annual Conference from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.

El Cajon Plans Pocket Parks to Help ‘Underparked’ Areas
By Frank Carson | Posted on July 19, 2019
With a five percent increase in population in the past decade, the city of El Cajon, California, has become very diverse in a short period of time and residents are clamoring for more outdoor opportunities.

Libraries and Parks and Recreation Come Together to Tackle Food Insecurity
By Noah Lenstra | Posted on July 17, 2019
The new national toolkit released by the Collaborative Summer Library Program encourages libraries to become summer meal sites or partner with existing sites, such as park and recreation agencies.