June, 2016: As the official summer season draws near, many Americans will find themselves spending quality time outdoors. A recent online survey conducted by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) found that Americans favor going for a walk/hike, going to the beach and having a picnic/barbeque over other common summer activities.

Key Findings

  • Fifty-five percent overall indicated that having a picnic/barbeque was a favorite activity.
  • 49 percent overall indicated that going for a walk/hike was a favorite.
  • 40 percent overall indicated that going to the beach was a favorite.
  • Other activities selected included exploring nature (36 percent); attending festivals (30 percent); going to the pool (28 percent); camping (20 percent); working out (16 percent); boating/water activities (16 percent); and playing sports (11 percent).



2016 June Favorite Summer Activities Infographic


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