A Park Pulse poll conducted by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) asked 1,003 Americans ages 18+ how important it is that local government (park and recreation agencies, schools, public works and community development departments, etc.) prioritizes environmental initiatives, such as water quality monitoring, green space assessment, environmentally friendly buildings and lawn upkeep.
83% of Americans say it's important that local government agencies prioritize environmental initiatives - including the majority of Millennials who say it's either "extremely important" or "very important."
Both non-parents and families with children feel strongly about local government prioritizing environmental initiatives:
79% Non-parents
89% Families with Children
Local government agencies are urged to prioritze sustainable practices in communities everywhere to protect the earth's natural resources and preserve open space.
(c)2017 National Recreation and Park Association
The National Recreation and Park Association Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 1,003 nationally representative Americans, ages 18+, between March 6 and March 13, 2017, using an email invitation and an online survey. Quotas have been set to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the U.S. adult population 18 and older. The margin of error for this study is +/- 3.1 perccentage points at the 95% confidence level.