The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) periodically posts information about grant and fundraising opportunities that are available for park and recreation agencies, affiliated friends group, and 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Any opportunities listed under “Current NRPA Grant Opportunities” are sponsored through NRPA. All other resources and opportunities are through outside agencies. Be sure to review the provided Fundraising and Marketing Resources section at the bottom of this page to support your funding journey!

Find the funding opportunities you are looking for by using the “filter by” function on the right side of the page. Click the arrows next to “Categories”, “Projects”, and "Deadlines" to see the keywords you can use to filter by. Please note the project categories will change as new funding is made available, so be sure to check back often. Click on the title of a funding opportunity to learn more and access the application links. 

If you are interested in learning more about NRPA's fundraising resources, please contact Miriam Lamoreaux at

Walmart Foundation, Parks as Community Nutrition Hubs grantee Berea, KY


Current NRPA Opportunities

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Workforce Development Community of Practice

Funding, Grants, Equity & Inclusion, NRPA Opportunities, Workforce Management, Programming, Upcoming

Park and recreation professionals in rural locations (population of 50,000 or less) are invited to join NRPA’s second Workforce Development Community of Practice (CoP) cohort. This dynamic 12-month-long cohort provides technical support and peer learning toward workforce development programs. It is a funded opportunity for agencies that currently provide workforce development programming through their out-of-school time (OST) services to youth (ages 14-21). The CoP cohort will allow agencies to connect and learn from peers, problem-solve challenges, and receive assistance from cohort peers and industry experts. Agencies will be reimbursed up to $20,000 to support program costs or other allowable expenses. Applications for the second cohort of Workforce Development Community of Practice close March 10, 2025. Click to learn more about this opportunity on the Workforce Development Community of Practice webpage.

Out-of-School Time (OST) Youth Mentoring Program Grant

Funding, Grants, Health & Wellness, NRPA Opportunities, Programming, Upcoming

With support from the U.S. DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, NRPA is excited to announce the 2024 Out-of-School Time (OST) Youth Mentoring Program grant opportunity, designed to expand access to high-quality and community-based youth mentoring programs in parks and recreation. In addition to training and peer networking opportunities, this grant will award up to 20 agencies with $60,000 each to implement projects that support youth mentoring in parks and recreation. Applications are due March 14, 2025. Click to learn more and apply.

Sustainability in Practice - Cohort 3

Funding, Grants, NRPA Opportunities, Conservation, Operations/Maintenance, Programming, Upcoming, Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Practices, Environmental Resiliency

Rural and suburban (under top 100 population cities) park and recreation professionals are invited to apply for this dynamic 16-week, cohort-style program alongside a community-based organization (CBO) partner for technical support and peer learning towards community-driven environmental sustainability planning and practices. CBO partners will receive a $10,000 stipend for their participation in the program and agency participants can receive up to 0.3CEU upon completion of the program. The application period for Cohort 3 of NRPA’s Sustainability in Practice program begins February 18 and will close on April 11, 2025. Click to learn more.

Parks and Recreation: A Social Driver for Healthy Aging

Funding, Grants, Health & Wellness, NRPA Opportunities, Programming, Upcoming

With the support of the RRF Foundation for Aging, a grant opportunity supporting up to four parks and recreation agencies is available. Awarded agencies will receive $17,500 coupled with training and technical assistance to implement one or more eligible strategies in the Healthy Aging Framework and participate in an evaluation throughout a six-month project period. This grant is intended for agencies or organizations that offer programming for older adults and youth but have not incorporated any regular, structured programming focusing on intergenerational connection or have a plan for adding and/or strengthening an intergenerational focus to existing programming for older adults and youth. Applications are due by March 5, 2025. Click to learn more and apply. If you have any questions please contact us at

Current Federal Funding Opportunities

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National Park Service 21st Century Conservation Service Corps

Funding, Grants, Partnership Opportunities, Conservation, Workforce Management, Programming, Rolling Basis

The 21st Century Conservation Service Corps and Civilian Climate Corps Youth and Veteran Development Program is a collaborative efforts between federal government agencies and non-profit service organizations to put America's youth and veterans to work protecting, restoring and enhancing America's great outdoors in and around national park units as well as in local communities and with partner organizations. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until September 30, 2028.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

Funding, Grants, Partnership Opportunities, Conservation, Workforce Management, Programming

The CDBG Program funds annual grants to states, cities, and counties to provide a suitable living environment for low-and moderate-income persons. One of the benefits of CDBG is that it can be applied to a wide range of funding programs, including housing, infrastructure improvements, economic development, and public facilities (including community centers and parks). In FY 2023, CDBG was funded at $3.3 billion and supported almost 5,000 projects. CDBG applications are typically due in the spring of each year with specific deadlines varying depending on the locality but often falling around March or April; it is crucial to check with your local government agency for the exact deadline for your area.

Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program — Rural Communities

Funding, Grants, Grant and Fundraising Resources

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides grants, low-interest direct loans, and/or combinations of the two to develop essential community facilities in rural areas, including public facilities, community support services, and local food systems such as community gardens and food hubs. Public entities, nonprofit organizations and tribal entities in rural communities are eligible to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Other Grant Opportunities

These grant opportunities are not sponsored by NRPA. More information can be found in the links below. 


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New York Life Foundation Aim High Grant Program

Funding, Grants, Health & Wellness, Equity & Inclusion, Partnership Opportunities, Programming, Upcoming

The New York Life Foundation and Afterschool Alliance invite out-of-school time (OST) programs to apply for a grant to support and bolster their ability to help prepare middle school students in low-income and disadvantaged communities for success in high school and beyond. 15 one-year grants of $20,000 and 15 two-year grants of $100,000 will be awarded. Park and recreation departments must partner with a local non-profit or friends group to apply. Applications are due by 5 p.m. EST March 7, 2025. Click to learn more and apply.

Local Data for Equitable Communities

Funding, Grants, Equity & Inclusion, Advocacy, Programming, Upcoming

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute are launching a new program that offers up to $50,000 in funding to 30 community-based organizations. These projects will use data to address pressing local needs - from housing to transportation to environmental pollution - making strides towards building healthier communities. Applications are due March 18, 2025. Click to learn more and apply.

National Environmental Education Foundation Biodiversity Conservation Grant

Funding, Grants, Conservation, Upcoming, Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Practices, Environmental Resiliency

The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) announced $200,000 in grant funding to support shovel-ready pollinator habitat enhancement projects on America's Public Lands. Projects should directly impact pollinators on at least 500 acres of public land and incorporate community outreach and engagement activities designed to educate and empower the public to help enhance pollinator habitats. Letters of Interest are due by February 1, 2025 and full applications are due May 1, 2025.

Musco Sports Lighting and US Soccer Foundation Soccer Fund Grant

Funding, Grants, Grant and Fundraising Resources, Health & Wellness, Programming, Rolling Basis

Musco Sports Lighting and the US Soccer Foundation established the Soccer Fund to offer financial support for sports lighting projects on a rolling basis. Projects can include the Mini-Pitch System or soccer lighting projects of all sizes. Mini-Pitches are ideal for urban areas and other communities where finding a safe place to play can be difficult. Applications will be accepted quarterly, on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 30.

MLB-MLBPA Youth Development Foundation

Funding, Grants, Grant and Fundraising Resources, Health & Wellness, Programming, Rolling Basis

This program was created to increase participation in and expand access to youth baseball and softball. The program prioritizes bold, innovative, and creative ideas that increase opportunities for youth, particularly those who are minorities, girls, and/or located in underresourced communities. Funds may be used to support capital projects (e.g., field renovations), baseball/softball programs, and education initiatives. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Lisa Libraries Grant Program

Funding, Grants, Grant and Fundraising Resources, Equity & Inclusion, Programming, Rolling Basis

Nonprofit organizations that serve low-income or underserved areas are eligible to apply for in-kind donations from The Lisa Libraries. The Lisa Libraries provides donations of free books for community facilities to host their own small libraries or to operate programs where children can take the book home. While book donations are free, The Lisa Libraries requests that recipients cover the shipping and handling costs, which are based on the destination and quantity of books. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Fundraising and Marketing Resources

When looking for funding and grants, there are many resources available on the internet. Below are just a few suggestions on where to start your research.

  1. Candid (Formerly Foundation Center and Guidestar): Provides training and research information on corporate and foundation grant programs as well as access to IRS 990 forms for foundations and other nonprofit organizations. The grants database is a collection of thousands of grants.
  2. Yearly offers a free tool to create engaging, digital annual reports, donor reports and event recaps to impress your stakeholders. Yearly is a fun and easy way to design unlimited reports and integrate your stories, videos, social media posts, polls and more. Yearly is currently offering their basic level of service to agencies for free.
  3. Chronicle of Philanthropy: The Chronicle is a newspaper for nonprofit news publishing, fundraising trends, resources, and recent grants.
  4. Fund Matching 101
  5. NRPA Crowdfunding Toolkit
  6. Nonprofit Times: Nonprofit management newspaper.
  7. Hoovers: Profiles millions of U.S. companies. It is a great source for employee contact information.
  8. Fortune Magazine: A resource for identifying companies by state and industry.
  9. Leadership Directories
  10. National League of Cities Federal Funding Sources for Municipal Sustainability and Climate Action
  11. FEMA Recovery and Resilience Resource Library
  12. Google, Yahoo Finance and other general search engines.
  13. Newspapers and magazines like the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, New York Times.

For information on fundraising and grant writing best practices, take a look at NRPA's Park and Recreation Professionals' Guide to Fundraising. In addition, NRPA members have access to weekly Federal Funding updates on NRPA Connect.